Designers ❤️ Apple for a reason

iPhone 15 event, Framer is on fire, and other cool stuff related to design and tech

Apple iPhone 15 event

Probably the most anticlimactic iPhone event in recent years, but hey, we did finally get USB-C 🤷‍♂️

Here’s everything new, summarized into bullet points:

  • titanium frame

  • an action button

  • USB-C port

  • better cameras

Apple continued with their feature summary slides (bento grids) and I just can’t get enough of those.

iPhone 15 Pro bento grid

Animation is another thing they do exceptionally well. Take a look at this one:

Titanium animation

Nicely designed cards

Apple has quietly launched a new Apps by Apple page on its website to promote its own apps.

As usual, the user interface design is neat, but I find it interesting that the icons are a mix of MacOS and iOS icons 🧐

I like their use of verticle cards, and they look even better on mobile.

The site's debut coincides with the possibility of Apple having to allow third-party app stores and sideloading here in Europe.

Last year, the company revealed that third-party apps were more popular than its own, and the new site could be a marketing strategy to counteract this.

Framer is still on fire

This year, Framer have released so many features I stoped counting. They really are on fire and take this seriously.

Their recent update gave us HTML to Framer chromium brawser extension.

Similar tools already exist for Figma and Webflow, and this means Framer is on the right path to be amongst the best tool for designers 👇

Framer templates coming soon…

In my store, you can now find only a few wallpaper pacs, but soon you’ll be able to find premium quality, unique Framer templates. To stay tuned, subscribe to this newsletter if you haven’t done that already.

Framer template store

Learn more

Fast response times increase productivity, but how fast do our computers need to be?

By providing system feedback within 400 ms 💨 the interaction can proceed without waiting, maintaining user attention.

Perceived performance can improve response time, and techniques like animation and progress bars can enhance the user experience during waiting periods.

Interestingly though, adding a purposeful delay can increase perceived value and trust.

This concept is based on a research paper from 1982 by Doherty and Thadani that established the 400 ms response time as the ideal standard, which they named the Doherty threshold.

When applications met this threshold, they were found to be "addicting" to users.

Rebrand - Great collection of popular branding and design systems.

Klap - turn Youtube videos into shorts with the help of AI

Off→Grid - stories behind some high quality designs

Amie - really good looking calendar (reply to this email for an invite)

What’s up?

Find Your Next Position

With AI, VR, and Web3, times are exciting and rapidly changing with tons of opportunities. Want to hop on that train as a designer? Here are a few sites where you can find remote or not-so-remote worldwide positions in various industries.


Thanks for reading, see you in two weeks 👋

P.S. good design is good business.

P.S.S. in the meantime, let’s connect on the social media platform of your choice…


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