Beyond Aesthetics: Design Boosts ROI

Good design is good business, nested radius tip, and other cool stuff related to design and tech

Design & Business

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, it's not just about numbers and raw data; design has staked its claim as a force to be reckoned with.

While many companies view design as a decorative touch, emerging research underlines its pivotal role in directly boosting return on investment (ROI).

IBM and NASA, two titans in their respective industries, have presented compelling evidence on the tangible benefits of investing in user experience. Their studies suggest that for every dollar funneled into user experience, businesses could witness an impressive return of up to $250.

Think about that for a moment - an ROI multiplier that significant is not just about aesthetics or user satisfaction; it's a clear indicator of enhanced business efficiency and profitability.

Users want a good design

Further cementing the design-business nexus, McKinsey & Company's exhaustive research delved into 2 million financial records, alongside 100,000 design actions over half a decade.

Their findings? Companies that maintained a robust emphasis on design outperformed their less design-focused counterparts by leaps and bounds. These design-centric businesses reported a whopping 32% more revenue and distributed 56% higher returns to their shareholders.

At its essence, design shapes and enhances user interaction. From the tangible feel of a product to the digital interface of a website, design influences user satisfaction, drives loyalty, and by extension, impacts sales.

Leaders of industries, from Apple to Tesla, don't merely retail products; they curate experiences - masterfully woven patterns of aesthetics and function that resonate deeply with consumers.

Better design → Better marketing

Moreover, stellar design facilitates word-of-mouth marketing in this digital age. Products and services that resonate on a design level are more shareable, likable, and recommendable.

In essence, the ripple effect of standout design can multiply marketing reach without proportional cost increments. The bottom line? Design isn't just about beautification. It's an astute business strategy.

As the data suggests, companies that embrace and invest in thoughtful design don't just appease their customers; they see tangible, lucrative outcomes in their revenue streams and shareholder returns.

Good design isn't just good art—it's good business.

Learn more

Here's a quick tip for improving the appearance of nested radii:

The outer radius should be the sum of the inner radius and padding.

Be aware: This only works if the two objects share the same center.

Source: @aleksliving

Free faces - Great collection of free fonts from the web.

Family - A new web3 wallet with a friendly design.

Artykul - An excellent RSS reader. Sadly, you don't see much of this anymore.

Drake Related - This is one of the most unique e-commerce websites I've ever seen.

Proton Pass - A new password manager has appeared on the scene, and it's pretty good.

What’s up?

Find Your Next Position 

With AI, VR, and Web3, times are exciting and rapidly changing with tons of opportunities. Want to hop on that train as a designer? Here are a few sites where you can find remote or not-so-remote worldwide positions in various industries.


Web3 Jobs

A reminder of what Tetris taught us: if you fit in, you disappear.

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