Welcome, Welcome!

Each issue brings you a main topic that is being covered, a few tips & tricks, useful hyperlinks and other cool stuff related to design.

First and foremost, welcome, and thank you for being here. Since this is the first post I am creating here, let me talk about, myself. This post will be exactly as it sounds, an introduction to The Luka.

Why The Luka, you ask? Well, simply because there’s already a bunch of dudes named Luka around where I live, so I wanted to be The Luka. With that said, if you want to skip this one, you can stop reading right now, because there’s no value being delivered below.

Who am I?

Here is something about me, I'm on a mission to help as many people with whatever I possibly can. As someone who's always been heavily invested in new technology, I can help others who aren't. Currently, I run a digital agency firm with my younger brother as a co-founder and work as a UX designer at an NFT startup.How did I get here? Well, I studied at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics where I got a bachelor's degree in "Application of IT in Business".While still in college, I used every opportunity to learn about new technologies and did a bunch of freelancing in mobile app development, and UI/UX design. Doing that, I got more and more into digital solutions involving intelligent building automation systems, which was my primary focus at that time.During my last year of college, I started to love digital marketing and researched it for a few months. Since crypto was booming then, it was only natural for me to follow its progress and development. I started to think about all the ways I could improve this sector of digital marketing and design, and help with my ideas.So after getting a degree I put that into action by opening an LLC with my brother, specializing in developing software solutions for automation projects, digital marketing, and design - the Livmark Agency.

What can you expect?

There is no doubt that we all receive a lot of newsletters in our inboxes daily, and they keep piling and clogging it up. Because of this, I recommend you only subscribe to this if you are a creative person and a tech geek at the same time.

You will probably find this a real treat if your interests roughly align with mine, and if you are a learner. I hope to see you again


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